Game Related BSs and MSc Theses from DSV

This page presents a selection of theses from students graduating from DSV where the topics concerns games and experience design.   The texts are ordered by date when the final thesis was produced, in falling order.


The Inner Lives of NPC’s, by Hannes Lemberg and Tova Wesström. Spring of 2024, Stockholm University, Sweden [BSc Thesis].


Viability of Machine Learning for enemies in Video Games, by Mattias Larsson and William Örnquist. Spring of 2022, Stockholm University, Sweden [BSc Thesis].

The principles of puzzle design, by Martin Sundgren and Rickard Tidén. Spring of 2022, Stockholm University, Sweden [BSc Thesis].

Travelers in Another World: How Game Experience in Genshin Impact Inspires Retellings, by Miranda Greting and Xiehui Mao. Spring of 2022, Stockholm University, Sweden [BSc Thesis].

The digital era for ideation: A study of ideation for game design students in Swedish educational institutions post pandemic, by Fredrik Edström and Nikola Pepivani. Spring of 2022, Stockholm University, Sweden [BSc Thesis].

Healthier by Design: A Multimethod Approach to Creating a Game-Design Framework Pertaining to Players’ Mental Health by Daniel Tõevälja and Yo’Av Dar. Spring of 2022, Stockholm University, Sweden [MSc Thesis].

Dress to Impress but not for Success – how Immersion and Identity Affect the Game Play Experience via the Visual Design of the Avatar by Hanna Josephson and Jonathan Haag. Spring of 2022, Stockholm University, Sweden [BSc Thesis].

Alternative Identities within digital game worlds: a case study of Grand Theft Auto examining factors and mechanisms for players’ development of alternative identities by Mallé Marega Spring of 2022, Stockholm University, Sweden [MSc Thesis].

Study of further development of the system Imaginarium for role-play creation in Dungeons & Dragons by Filip Lundgren. Spring of 2022, Stockholm University, Sweden [BSc Thesis].


AI generated parody lyrics by Daniel Andersson. Autumn of 2021, Stockholm University, Sweden [BSc Thesis].

Identifying Features of Political Localization in Video Games by Olle Frid and Henrik Hökby. Spring of 2021, Stockholm University, Sweden [BSc Thesis].

The health effects of playing Animal Crossing: New Horizons during a pandemic: The impact of digital games on people’s mental well-being in times of uncertainty and isolation by Hanna Lindberg Johansson and Jack Noaksson. Spring of 2021, Stockholm University, Sweden [BSc Thesis].


Augmented Reality: Enhance the reality and the experience: A systematic literature review of augmented reality in museum exhibits by Inez Dys and Johan Tapper. Autumn of 2020, Stockholm University, Sweden [BSc Thesis].